
Exterior Painting

Ele­vat­ing your Home in Rapid City

Your home­’s curb appeal speaks vol­umes and first impres­sions mat­ter. When it comes to show­cas­ing your home in the Rapid City area, West­ern View Paint­ing is the exte­ri­or paint­ing com­pa­ny you can trust. 

At West­ern View Paint­ing, we spe­cial­ize in exte­ri­or house paint­ing, bring­ing our exper­tise to trans­form your home into a mas­ter­piece. Don’t let sun expo­sure and weath­er wear down the paint on the exte­ri­or of your home. Pro­tect it, and you’ll have the best-look­ing house in the neighborhood.

Give us a call at (605) 5196420.

Esti­mates, Cost Trans­paren­cy, and Value

You deserve to know the cost of your exte­ri­or paint­ing project with com­plete con­fi­dence. Unlike some com­pa­nies that offer vague esti­mates, leav­ing the total cost a mys­tery until the job is done, West­ern View Paint­ing pro­vides trans­par­ent pric­ing. Our exte­ri­or house painters will con­duct a thor­ough review of your project, offer­ing a com­pre­hen­sive quote that includes not just sup­plies and labor but the total cost of paint­ing the exte­ri­or of your home. Call us today at (605) 5196420 or request a free estimate

Sched­ul­ing Tai­lored to You

We under­stand that hav­ing exte­ri­or painters around your house and yard can be stress­ful. At West­ern View Paint­ing, we work with you on sched­ul­ing, mak­ing our best efforts to min­i­mize the impact on your house, yard, and lifestyle. Choose one of the most trust­ed exte­ri­or paint­ing com­pa­nies and get high-qual­i­ty results in as short a peri­od as possible.

Prep Work Excellence

Often over­looked but cru­cial, the prep work before apply­ing paint is vital for a suc­cess­ful exte­ri­or house paint­ing project. Our house painters pay close atten­tion to pow­er wash­ing, scrap­ing, and patch­ing work that ensures a high-qual­i­ty result.

Clean-Up Com­mit­ment

We’ll be hon­ored to paint the exte­ri­or of your house, and you can count on us to be clean and pro­fes­sion­al. Our team con­ducts a full clean-up prompt­ly after fin­ish­ing the project.

Ready to give your Rapid City res­i­dence a styl­ish and appeal­ing makeover? Call us today at (605) 5196420 or request a free esti­mate and trans­form your home with West­ern View Painting.

Most painting contractors over-promise and under-deliver

If you've ever hired a painter, you know the experience can be frustrating. From sloppy work to bad communication, the wrong contractor can make your project miserable. At Western View, we believe your painting crew should get the job right, respect your property, and stand by their work. So when you work with us, you’ll enjoy a better painting experience that doesn’t cut corners. And because all our services are supported by our "Not Done Till You're Happy Guarantee," you can rest assured that your property will looks its best...without all the headaches.

You deserve a better painting experience.

Our Customers Love Us

How It Works

The Perfect Painting Project in 3 Simple Steps


Schedule Your Project

After receiving a detailed estimate, you're ready to schedule your project! Thanks to our thorough estimate process, you and your crew will be on the same page, so you get exactly what you want.


Get It Done Right

Sit back and relax. From surface prep to final coats and all the little details in between, your crew will do whatever it takes to make your project perfect.


Move on with Your Life

Congrats - your painting project went off without a hitch. Now it's time for the fun part...enjoying your space and moving on with your life!

Get Started Today


Request an Estimate


Schedule a Walkthrough


Start Your

Our Promise to You

We're Not Done 'Til You're Happy

Before we're done, we'll walk the entire project with you. We're only finished when you're 100% happy with our work.

We Answer the Phone!

Contractors that don't communicate are the worst. Not us...when you reach out, we get back to you quickly! Whether that's via phone call, email, text, or a form on our site.

4-Week Touch-Up Guarantee

Notice a spot or two your painter missed? It happens. But most painters will never come back for little touch-ups. We do.

4-Year Limited Warranty

Every painting project comes with our 4-year limited warranty. If any issues arise because of our products or workmanship, we'll make it right.

Friendly Crews, Tidy Jobsites

We hire great people and treat them well. So you can trust that they'll treat your property with respect. We think you'll notice the difference.

Safe, High-Quality Paints Only

We only use high-quality, eco-friendly paints that will stand the test of time and be safe for your family or place of work.

Painting projects made easy.

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